Elevate Your Executive Career

Advance your career with our executive CV writing, interview preparation, leadership coaching, personal branding, LinkedIn optimisation and more.

Executive CVs, LinkedIn Profiles, Bio’s & Cover Letters for Executives & senior Managers. Written by HR professionals with over 30 years of experience in the industry.  

Professional portfolios that instantly convey who you are, what you do best, and where you plan to go next.

Branded services that clearly demonstrate the value you bring to organizations and coworkers, your core attributes, and your signature strengths

View outstanding CLIENT TESTIMONIALS .  

Amro Bullock
Director of Human Resources and Career advisor

Our Key offerings

Expert guidance for your career advancement

Executive Job Search Assistance

This bundle includes:

  • A comprehensive CV optimization.
  • LinkedIn profile optimization.
  • Job search strategy and coaching. 
  • Interview preparation. 

This bundle is aimed at executives who are looking to revamp their job search materials and improve their chances of landing a new job.

Leadership Personal Branding

This bundle includes:

  • Personal branding strategy.
  • Networking coaching. 
  • LinkedIn profile optimization.

This bundle is aimed at managers and leaders who want to improve their visibility and credibility in their industry, and make valuable connections that can help them advance their career.

Executive Career Advancement

This bundle includes:

  • Career counseling.
  • Goal-setting.
  • Skill evaluation.

This bundle is aimed at managers and leaders who are looking to take their career to the next level, and are in need of guidance and support to identify their strengths and weaknesses, and set a clear path for advancement.

What Our Clients Say

Thank you very much, for the help that upCVs has given me in writing professional CV and cover letter. I found the prospect of describing my work experience to prospective employers a little daunting. Yet upCVs knew exactly how I should structure the resume, and thanks to you, I’ve already started receiving calls from the employers I sent it to. I truly appreciate your help.
Mohammed Taher
Director of Strategic Sales - Palazzo Versace Dubai
I was skeptical about hiring a professional for my job search, but the Executive Job Search Assistance Bundle completely exceeded my expectations. The team helped me showcase my value and strengths in a way I never thought possible. With their support, I was able to secure an interview and eventually a job offer. I highly recommend their services
Paul Hikmonts
General Manager - Hinadi International
يعجز اللسان عن شكركم على ما قدمتموه لي بشأن صياغة السيرة الذاتية الخاصة بي بشكل إحترافي مبهر نال الثناء والمديح من جميع من قرأها , مما ترتَّب عليه طلب الشركات التي قدمتها إليهم إلى المبادرة بالإتصال بي مباشرة من أجل المقابلة , لقد أثنى الجميع على الصيغة الجديدة لسيرتي الذاتية التي قمتم شاكرين بعملها لي , مِن سهولة القراءة والتعرف على قدراتي وإمكانياتي وخبراتي بشكل مختصر , فهذا إن دلَّ على شيْ فإنما يدل على المستوى الراقي جدا الذي تتمتعون به من إحتراف قَلَّ نظيره
Maher Al Ramahi
Operations Manager - Picasso Joinery Factory
I recently used upcvs "Executive Job Search Assistance" Bundle and was extremely impressed with the results. They took the time to understand my unique strengths and accomplishments, and translated that into a well-crafted resume that truly showcased my value to potential employers. The personalized attention and expertise of the career advisor made all the difference. I highly recommend this bundle to any executive looking to take their career to the next level.
Taylor Harmon
Integration Engineer - Technology invention Institute
The Executive Career Coaching Bundle that I have orderd was a game-changer for me. The one-on-one sessions with my career advisor helped me identify my strengths and weaknesses, and I now have a clear understanding of what I bring to the table in the workplace. The personalized job search strategy and branding materials have helped me stand out among other candidates and land the job I've been striving for. Thank you upcvs!
Mahmoud Sharky
Sales Manager - Oxford University press
I am so grateful for the job search strategy guidance provided by the HR Director at UpCVs. Their personalized approach helped me target the right companies and position, and ultimately land my dream job. Great adivsor. Also the action plan was exactly taylored to my situation. I am very impressed and highly recommend their services to anyone looking to take their career to the next level.
Warren Hopkins
Director of Finance - Ludviss Borders
Thank you for your valuable inputs. Very informative. I appreciate your guidance and all. Professional feedback and always giving enough time to discuss, and keen to secure success for me. I will put all to great use.
Suzanne David
Personal Assistant
اود ان اشكرك على السيرة الذاتية المكتوبة باحتراف! في أوقات الأزمات هذه في العديد من البلدان ، أصبح الكثير من الناس عاطلين عن العمل. لقد تم ايضاح بالضبط ما يجب أن يكون في سيرتي الذاتية لمجال حياتي المهنية وتم انتقاء الكلمات بعناية وموجهة بالشكل الصحيح حتى أتمكن من العثور على وظيفة أحبها بسهولة. شكرا لمساعدتك في ابراز سيرتي الذاتية كما تنبغي
Eman El Sayed
Customer care Manager
The CV advice you offered to professionals who are not able to demonstrate achievements along the axes you describe is great, very useful insights. I also like the fact that you have combined technology with HR professionals input. Excellent mix.
Khaled Reda
Principle consultant