I Just checked a very cool new tool called I was thoroughly impressed with their customer service, speed, professionalism and effective writing abilities. Their services start from simple CV writing guidance all the way to executive career advancement counseling .... Looking at some of the resumes they completed; I m super impressed with the way they phrased achievements to make them shine much brighter. I highly recommend UPCVS for anyone in need of a professional resume support !

Soha Farouk
Microsoft - Global System Integrator Business Development Manager for Europe Middle East and Africa
I really enjoyed working with upCVs. They helped me create a great CV that highlighted my skills and experience as a Supply Chain Manager. upCVs made the whole process so easy and stress-free. They really took the time to understand my needs and worked diligently to deliver a CV that exceeded my expectations. I couldn't have done it without their expertise and guidance. Thank you, upCVs!

Indrajit Hirapuri
Arla foods - Supply Chain Manager
I would like to take a moment and thank team UPCVS for helping me build a perfect CV of my husband, and would like to recommend to all my connections. I didn't have to change a single thing. It looked very professional and they presented his achievements in a very clear way.
Highly recommended. Customer service is superb, effective communcation and great support.

Nikita Yadav
Exuberance - Business Development Manager
Thank you very much, for the help that upCVs has given me in writing professional CV and cover letter.
I found the prospect of describing my work experience to prospective employers a little daunting. Yet upCVs knew exactly how I should structure the resume, and thanks to you, I’ve already started receiving calls from the employers I sent it to. I truly appreciate your help.

Mohammed Taher
Director of Strategic Sales - Palazzo Versace Dubai
I was skeptical about hiring a professional for my job search, but the Executive Job Search Assistance Bundle completely exceeded my expectations. The team helped me showcase my value and strengths in a way I never thought possible. With their support, I was able to secure an interview and eventually a job offer. I highly recommend their services

Paul Hikmonts
General Manager - Hinadi International
I recently used upcvs "Career Advancement" package and was extremely impressed with the results. They took the time to understand my unique strengths and accomplishments, and translated that into a well-crafted resume that truly showcased my value to potential employers. The personalized attention and expertise of the career advisor made all the difference. I highly recommend this bundle to any executive looking to take their career to the next level.

Taylor Harmon
Integration Engineer - Technology invention Institute
The Advancement package that I have orderd was a game-changer for me. The one-on-one sessions with my career advisor helped me identify my strengths and weaknesses, and I now have a clear understanding of what I bring to the table in the workplace. The personalized job search strategy and branding materials have helped me stand out among other candidates and land the job I've been striving for. Thank you upcvs!

Mahmoud Sharky
Sales Manager - Oxford University press
I am so grateful for the job search strategy guidance provided by the HR Director at UpCVs. Their personalized approach helped me target the right companies and position, and ultimately land my dream job. Great adivsor. Also the action plan was exactly taylored to my situation. I am very impressed and highly recommend their services to anyone looking to take their career to the next level.

Warren Hopkins
Director of Finance - Ludviss Borders
Thank you very much for your effective advice and coaching. You helped me land more than 2 jobs now. I very much appreciate your positive motivation and ongoing support. UpCVs is more than a CV company, it is truly a great support and ongoing help indeed. I very much enjoyed the wise and valuable advice and recomendations that helped me define my career.

Christy Cleofas
Assistant HR Manager
يعجز اللسان عن شكركم على ما قدمتموه لي بشأن صياغة السيرة الذاتية الخاصة بي بشكل إحترافي مبهر نال الثناء والمديح من جميع من قرأها , مما ترتَّب عليه طلب الشركات التي قدمتها إليهم إلى المبادرة بالإتصال بي مباشرة من أجل المقابلة , لقد أثنى الجميع على الصيغة الجديدة لسيرتي الذاتية التي قمتم شاكرين بعملها لي , مِن سهولة القراءة والتعرف على قدراتي وإمكانياتي وخبراتي بشكل مختصر , فهذا إن دلَّ على شيْ فإنما يدل على المستوى الراقي جدا الذي تتمتعون به من إحتراف قَلَّ نظيره

Maher Al Ramahi
Operations Manager,Picasso Joinery Factory
شهادة حق.
تعلمت مع
شركه أپ سي ڤييز لأول مرة في حياتي لكتاب السيرة الذاتية بإحتراف . لأنني كنت اطلب مساعدة الأصدقاء او ملء الإستمارات الجاهزة على جوجل ولكن لم تفيدني أبدًا لمدة اربع سنوات محاولات . تقدمت للمكتب عن طريق شخص تعامل معهم وكانت النتيجة ايجابية وحصل على عمل . وتواصلت بالفعل معهم. كان التعامل احترافي ومنظم منذ الدقيقة الأولى يضاف إليه الرقي في التعامل والأهتمام بالشخص المتقدم . تم التواصل معي اكثر من مرة لأخذ تفاصيل عن الخبرات والأعمال السابقة . وجاءت السيرة الذاتية بشكل مختلف تماما في الوقت المحدد . وتقدمت بها لأكثر من وظيفة . واشهد ان ما حدث حق حيث تم التواصل معي بعد 24 ساعة من التقديم لتحديد انترفيو . وتواصلت مع المكتب مرة أخري وحصلت على استشارات كيف اجتاز المقابلة( الأنترڤيو ). وبعدها استشارة لكل مقابلة اخرى حتى تمت الموافقة النهائية في خلال ثلاث اسابيع . تعاون معي الكل حتى اجتاز الاختبارات واحصل على الوظيفة . شهادة حق تم اختيار السيرة الذاتية اكثر من مرة من اكثر من جهة . كما حصلت على استشارات لأجتياز المقابلات اكثر من مرة واكثر من شخص ساعدني من فريق العمل الرائع. شكرا لهذا الفريق الرائع وشكرا لعملهم الأحترافي ومعاملتهم الراقية وحرصهم على نجاح عملاءهم التي هي ثمرة عملهم بالأساس . أخص بالشكر والتقدير استاذة سحر فاروق لمجهودها الرائع معي واتمنى التوفيق لفريق العمل ولكل الباحثين عن عمل إن شاء الله

Desk Editor / Writer
You manage to go above and beyond for every piece of job that you did. Great work! I haven’t seen such quality work in a long time. Great job! I left astounded at the level of dedication and hard work you put. May you reach every height of success!
Your great work has resulted in tangible, beneficial results to me. I appreciate the time you’ve taken out to show me the ropes and ensure that I have the required knowledge to do a great job. I believe your work will bring joy to many people in the future. May your creativity shine bright in the days to come. Thank you

I had an amazing opportunity to deal with such a great place.
They’re really professionals !!
Thank you a bunch Mrs.Sahar Kamal and Mr Amro Bullock for your great support & patience.
Special thanks to Mr.Amro for the great efforts done in my CV!!

Yara Elkassify
Head English Teacher
In today’s competitive market, it is important to find the right resources to help you ease the process and provide you with success. I can’t say enough words about the group of professionals behind UpCV’s. There are a lot of well known companies ( we all know who they are) who will take your money and provide zero benefits, The team at Upcv’s Care , I said Care because it is very important that you are not treated as just a number on an invoice, but rather as a professional and as a human being, They care about your success , because it is how they measure their own success. I have used their full service and I can’t recommend them enough, Trust me when I say, you will be good taken care of and they will help you fulfill your dreams.

Hussein Gazzaz
Principle consultant
Thank you for your valuable inputs. Very informative. I appreciate your guidance and all. Professional feedback and always giving enough time to discuss, and keen to secure success for me. I will put all to great use.

Suzanne David
Personal Assistant
اود ان اشكرك على السيرة الذاتية المكتوبة باحتراف! في أوقات الأزمات هذه في العديد من البلدان ، أصبح الكثير من الناس عاطلين عن العمل.
لقد تم ايضاح بالضبط ما يجب أن يكون في سيرتي الذاتية لمجال حياتي المهنية وتم انتقاء الكلمات بعناية وموجهة بالشكل الصحيح حتى أتمكن من العثور على وظيفة أحبها بسهولة.
شكرا لمساعدتك في ابراز سيرتي الذاتية كما تنبغي

Eman El Sayed
Customer care Manager
The CV advice you offered to professionals who are not able to demonstrate achievements along the axes you describe is great, very useful insights. I also like the fact that you have combined technology with HR professionals input. Excellent mix.

Khaled Reda
Principle consultant
I would like to thank you for the amazing work that you have done on my LinkedIn profile, it looks much more professional than before. Very professional customer service, effective and prompt. Very much recomended.

Amr Moustafa
Retail manager
خدمة رائعة تقدم بشكل احترافى ودليل صحيح لكيفية كتابة السيرة الذاتية بالشكل الملائم لأنظمة الشركات فى الوقت الحالى.،أنصح بالتعامل معها
شكرا UpCVs

Hisham El Boaraie
Digitial audio manager
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